Tools of the Trade: Props, Techniques, and Inspirations for Analog Role-Playing (2025/03/31; 2025/11)
Call for Submissions for Issue 6, deadline: March 31, 2025, publication date: November 2025.
Rolling Submissions
Information and guidelines for rolling submissions (outside a special issue, without deadlines).
Call for Guest Editors
The journal is inviting guest editors for future special issues from 2026.
This is the home of the Japanese Journal of Analog Role-Playing Game Studies (JARPS; ISSN: 2434-9682), a bilingual academic journal about table-top role-playing games and live-action role-plays in and from Japan but in a global context.
No. 5Welcome to Join: Exploring Access and Accessibility in Analog Role-Playing Games

Issue description
The fifth issue of the Japanese Journal of Analog Role-Playing Game Studies (JARPS) focuses on the fundamental themes of access and accessibility in table-top/table-talk (TRPG) and live-action (larp) role-playing games. This special issue explores the multifaceted bar ... See the full issue